Indiana University Indiana University IU

Virtual Reality Places and Spaces: Hands-on use of virtual reality systems exploring our Earth and its Atmosphere

Virtual Reality Places and Spaces: Hands-on use of virtual reality systems exploring our Earth and its AtmosphereHands-on use of virtual reality systems exploring our Earth and its AtmosphereDepartmentLibraries9:00 am - 3:00 pm Puzzle Patch


Puzzle Patch

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Join the Sciences Library where you will have opportunities to step out of your reality to experience the world around you – from the tops of mountains, beneath the sea, and even from outer space.  Try out a variety of technology tools owned by the IU Libraries and IU Research Technologies Advanced Visualization lab.  Google Cardboards and Oculus VR headsets are the featured hardware.  Make a science-themed button while you wait, courtesy of the IU Libraries Mini Makerspace.

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