ATLAS Experiment Coloring Book

Learn what it’s like to work in the ATLAS collaboration by exploring the ATLAS Coloring Book.

large hadron collider illustration

The ATLAS Experiment

ATLAS is a collaboration of about 3,000 scientists plus a similar number of engineers, technicians, and students. It takes data from the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN laboratory in Geneva Switzerland. The ATLAS experiment studies the collision of protons traveling at 99.999999% of the speed of light using the largest volume detector ever constructed for a particle collider.

Physicists, students, and engineers from Indiana University have participated in ATLAS since 1994.

mechanical drawing showing 44m by 25m section of hadron collider with muon chambers, toroid magnets, solenoid magnet, semiconductor tracker, transition radiation tracker, pixel detector, LAr electromagnetic calorimeters, LAr hadronic en-cap and forward calorimeters, tile calorimeters

The Colouring Book

You can learn more about what it’s like to work in the ATLAS collaboration by exploring the ATLAS Coloring Book.

Materials Checklist

  • Printed coloring Book
  • Crayons or other coloring medium