Keep Science Alive!
The mission of IU Science Fest is to celebrate + inspire curiosity among Hoosiers of all ages
- by providing exciting hands-on experiences with science,
- by promoting meaningful and direct exchanges with scientists, and
- by highlighting scientific research and teaching at IU.
Most years visitors can tour the Kirkwood Observatory, see a prehistoric tool-making demonstration, make slime, witness a volcanic explosion, use their mind to control a race car, explore rare gems, drive a mars rover, be challenged by three-dimensional puzzles, play with electricity and magnetism, see a chemistry magic show, try their hands at scientific illustration, learn about how their ears and eyes work, and much, much more. The best thing about Science Fest, though, is the opportunity it provides for the public to interact directly with scientists.
Please consider supporting Science Fest by donating to the Science Fest Support Fund at the IU Foundation at one of the following donation levels (or any amount you like!)



