Microbiology Coloring Pages

Do you want to know more about Microbiology? Print out these coloring pages to explore Microbiology research at IU and learn fun facts!

coloring page of mosquito next to alphaviruses

Materials Checklist

  • Printed Coloring Pages
  • Crayons, colored pencils etc.

Honey Bee Coloring Page

coloring page of bee and flowers with caption - Like you and me, honey bees have bacteria that live inside of them! Did you know that bacteria inside honey bees helps them grow and can protect them against fungal pathogens? Members in the Newton lab are interested in understanding how this happens!

Alphavirus Coloring Page

coloring page of mosquito next to alphaviruses with caption - The Hardy lab studies alphaviruses at Indiana University Alphaviruses are spread by mosquitoes and cause disease in humans. Wolbachia are bacteria that live inside 40-60% of insects (that's a lot!) and are able to inhibit the replication of al-phaviruses and other viruses, like Zika virus. In the Hardy lab, we are interested in how Wolbachia does this.

Bacteria Coloring Page

coloring page of bacteria with caption  - Bacteria are found everywhere! They can have appendages that help them move around and pick up things from the environment (kind of like how we have arms and legs). For this coloring page, you will color bacteria that have pili! Pili are a type of appendage that help bacteria stick to surfaces and pick up DNA from the environment. In order to study pili, Jenni from the Dalia lab can edit the DNA of Vibrio cholorae to study how pili work in this system! To see the bacteria, Jenni uses a microscope!

Microscope Coloring Page

coloring page of microscope with caption - In the field of Microbiology, we study bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
These organisms are microscopic! Microscopic means that they are not visible by eye. In order to see the microorganisms, we need to use a microscope. The microscope makes them appear much larger!