Indiana University
Step-by-step instruction on building a neuron with playdough (includes recipe to make your own playdough).
Learn about how weakly electric fish from South America use specialized motor neurons to communicate with one another!
Watch up-close videos of tree swallows in action and follow along with activities that teach some of the techniques scientists use to help understand how and why animals do what they do.
See a pair of tree swallows attacking a fake (decoy) tree swallow that’s been placed at the entrance to their nestbox. Scientists use these fake intrusions to measure aggressiveness in the territory-owning birds.
Assemble this guide, become familiar with some local feathered friends, and then head outdoors to record the birds that you see.
⊕ by providing exciting hands-on experiences with science
⊕ by promoting meaningful and direct exchanges with scientists
⊕ by highlighting scientific research and teaching at IU